Monday, November 23, 2020

One Town in Two Cities

i went to a party in a two-storey house in a camera from a window
drinking and smoking and tired him from his book rack
a walled shadow     
i turned a corner on a snowy london afternoon
i looked     are bed     
one woman with precocious talent

beckon to me with his right five photographs 
of 60's british rock musicians
age and whose photo     joined her at the door     
we walked up into the hall
and sit up and find myself in a room the size of my bedroom
downturned beds     two sleeps     tree lightning and quick cadences

            i look down and find that i     cut close     about twenty feet from me
            threw it to the man on earlobes     fine short grey hair cut roman style
            the dog’s leash and the psych tech’s uniform     his forepaws
            that i can remember nothing after walking half a block
            i am reading a magazine article and the pillow in my sleep
            dreaming their dreams or to begin in a few minutes
from Oedipus' First Lover (2009)