I'm a poet and prose writer (hence, two blogs) who lives in Berkeley, California. Among my (questionable) accomplishments are 25 years of work for Social Security (culminating in early retirement), ten books of poetry, and work as a publisher, poetry reading host, and now blogger. The blog under my own name is a poetry blog. The other one is a (mostly) fiction blog, mostly science fiction, horror, and fantasy but occasionally other stuff. Poetry I've worked on for decades. Fiction I'm starting up again after not having written much of any since I was in my mid-twenties. In both cases, welcome and enjoy yourself. (Six of my books, Twisted History, Purgatorial, Cyclone Fence, Oedipus' First Lover, Auto Bio, and Yew Nork, are available through Amazon.)Yew Nork and my latest book, Amateur Mythology, are available at Laurel Book Store in downtown Oakland (www.laurelbookstore.com).